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Introducing Nursery Rhymes to kids

There is no one way to introduce a child to nursery rhymes. Always remember that every child is different. No method is apt for everybody. Each child has its own pace. Some children are fast learners and can grasp things by mere listening, but with others we need to put more efforts. Never force it on the child but let him learn in his own way. Have patience and embrace yourself to revisit your childhood, while enjoying the process and their progress.

Always be interactive:

A dialogue is a better way of expression than a monologue. When the child is also a part of the enactment, it will be engaging and entertaining for him. This is probably the best way to introduce nursery rhymes for kids. You may combine this with video songs too.

Enact-A thing which is seen is far more relatable and recountable than what is listened. Children learn faster when they see a certain thing. So, one can make rhymes more entertaining by enacting it with expressions, voice modulations, hand gestures and physical actions. (Insy winsy spider, hop a little, if you are happy and you know it etc.)

Introduce music and dust off your vocal chords-

Music is a source which activates the various parts of the brain and increases the concentration levels. Instead of reciting like a poem if a rhyme is sang it is far more effective. It can be even more engaging if we use actions like clapping, tapping, beating etc. Use any household articles to create music.

Monotonous way is boredom-Activate the child in you and use various innovative methods suited to the particular child and teach them as a friend rather than as a parent. Remember that Cognitive skills and eye hand coordination is important to improve the child's innate creativity. Also a child learns faster in a group (of his age group).

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